Jaith the Warrior
We all want to ensure that the people we love are ever so happy we want them to have the best of everything. One evening my mother received a text from one of my brothers classmates, a long winded elaborate text explaining how my brother was bullying this kid and that to please tell him to stay away and to treat people properly. With each word that was been read my heart raced my blood boiling and the urge to kick this boy out of site was growing stronger. I was, needless to say pissed! Amongst the both of us we may fight and bully each other but with company my brother is not one to hurt another or call them names, he had a far bigger conscience than that and I knew for a fact that what this boy was professing my brother was doing was utter cock a nd my brother is also not one to stand in the face of injustice and turn his back and walk away he will say what he has to say so I knew based on what my brother told me earlier of this...