Sometimes you gotta cut loose!!
In this fast paced life of ours we often forget to stop and smell the flowers so to say.
I’m a workaholic I love working! And then sometimes when I try to have fun it seems abnormal to be having fun instead of working.
Yes, weird ain’t t
he word, but maybe there’s someone out there who is like me, if so, this article is for you!
My brother, is a master at soaking and basking in the moment. Goal oriented Shaakya doesn’t sometimes know how to chill. In many ways I’ve learnt more from my brother about letting loose.
My earliest memory was somewhere during O/levels I think. I had worked all day and was exhausted, my brother was outside in the garden driving his tiny car. I hadn’t played with my brother in a long time, and even though I had just come out for some fresh air my brother insisted that I ride his car.
We had a tiny slope near the drive way and my brother pushed me on his car. Imagine a 5 foot girl whose legs are popping out of the car, screaming and being pushed down a slope while her frizzy hair flew all over the place. Are you laughing? Good! Because I did too! I remember thinking then that, sometimes we need to slow down. I guess that’s one reason we moved to Kandy too. To slow down, to live and bask in the day while working towards building our palace of dreams.
My brother turned 12 recently and while his friends and him were playing in the pool I went around serving chips. I hadn’t even changed from my work clothes and I had a lot of research left to do. Now, out of nowhere my brothers friend requested that I help him catch the others (They were shooting each other with the water guns) I couldn’t turn down his request. So, I joined them. Then! My brother came out of nowhere and pushed me into the pool.
Sometimes, we feel guilty to take breaks, but don’t feel guilty to take breaks, you need them and taking some time off for yourself to do something you like really does recharge your brain and sometimes you work better after a break too!
So! Loose your blues! Everybody cut loose.
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