The writers’ block
I’ve never written with the intention of meeting deadlines.
I’ve always written with absolute peace and clarity. Time was never a factor to
be taken in to account. If I was able to relive an event, I would write. If
there was a particular incident etched in my mind, I would write. If I were
happy or sad I would write. But to write to compete, to write to meet deadlines
to write with the intention of meeting deadlines was all very new to me. You
see, I am not a seasoned writer. I write what I feel and what I believe. Though
I always loved writing it was only once I moved to Kandy that I was able to
truly revel in the freedom of writing.
Writing has brought me immense joy. I love it so much that I
really don’t know what to say except that I could obsess over words. It’s so
bad that even when my mother gives me advice with the intention of knocking
some sense into my brain I marvel at the language she uses even more than the
lesson imbedded in the words. I have always been surrounded by words, my dad
used to write me letters whenever I was in a difficult situation. Overcoming
bullying was down to reading Nick Vujiccics Stand tall, my ability to trudge
through hardships was because of Rocky Balboa and his ever so famous quote: “
“It’s not about how hard you can hit, It’s about how hard
you can get hit and keep moving forward”
As you can see words
have created a massive impact on my life. So I suppose it is natural to obsess
over it don’t you think? Well even then no matter how in love with words and
writing one maybe there will be times where words fail us when needed most and
the kingdom of beauty that is built through words remains incomplete, stagnant,
paused and simply stuck.
A writers’ block is
tough. You WANT to write you know you HAVE to and yet you just can’t seem to
get the words. You cannot articulate the words, you can’t even string a decent sentence
together. I am currently facing a writers’ block. I feel as though my life has
suddenly run out of stories I feel as though I have narrated my entire story.
Well, after all I am only 18.
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