Sometimes you gotta cut loose!! In this fast paced life of ours we often forget to stop and smell the flowers so to say. I’m a workaholic I love working! And then sometimes when I try to have fun it seems abnormal to be having fun instead of working. Yes, weird ain’t t he word, but maybe there’s someone out there who is like me, if so, this article is for you! My brother, is a master at soaking and basking in the moment. Goal oriented Shaakya doesn’t sometimes know how to chill. In many ways I’ve learnt more from my brother about letting loose. My earliest memory was somewhere during O/levels I think. I had worked all day and was exhausted, my brother was outside in the garden driving his tiny car. I hadn’t played with my brother in a long time, and even though I had just come out for some fresh air my brother insisted that I ride his car. We had a tiny slope near the drive way and my brother pushed me on his car. Imagine a 5 foot girl who...